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The health sector in Australia includes hospitals, medical equipment and supplies, pharmaceutical, education, aged care, natural healthcare, health insurance and telemedicine.

Australian Trade Commission

Pioneers in health products, services and research

Australian companies are pioneers in a wide range of health products and services, including penicillin, HV/AIDS, influenza vaccines, specialist eye care, telemedicine (bringing healthcare to remote areas) and electronic implants.

Australia is also a world leader in research into cancer, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease, wound management and hearing loss.

Australian companies have expertise in:

 - Feasibility studies – analysing catchment areas for proposed new health facilities to determine the size of the facility and services offered.

 - Facility design – Australian architects and contractors have extensive overseas experience and are happy to work with local design and planning partners to meet local licence requirements.


One of Australia’s strengths lies in providing good quality conventional products and services. If a new hospital needs fitting out, Australian companies can provide equipment such as beds, operating tables, surgical instruments and computer systems.

Nursing training is a big need for a new hospital and Australia has excellent university nursing schools with distance learning programs. Some Australian hospitals will also send specialists offshore to run short-term training courses.

Several hospital management companies work regularly overseas and can assist with planning services, staff recruitment and training, equipment purchase and quality programs. Some companies take equity in a new company, while others enter into management contracts.

Australia is at the leading edge of hospital patient care in a number of areas including cardiac, plastic and reconstructive surgery, liver transplantation, cancer and rehabilitation. Australian hospitals are experienced in caring for international patients and can provide families with accommodation and meals.

Pharmaceutical industry

In the past decade Australia has developed more than 300 new medicines helping reduce deaths from diseases such as heart disease, cancer and AIDS.

Aged care system

Australian provides a cohesive framework of community, residential and family aged-care services. Australian companies have the capacity to provide a full package of aged-care goods and services tailored to meet specific overseas requirements.

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